


Perseverance is what helps you get back up when you’ve been knocked down. Perseverance is what keeps you going in the face of opposition, doubt, nay-sayers, mistakes, and (yes) success.

I would argue that one of the most important parts in the development of a writer and…well anyone, really, is perseverance.

This past week, I got three rejections (a personal best for the week, I might add). That stings.  It will always sting, at least a little. What did I do? I got up the next day and I got back to work.


Those three rejections bring the grand total of rejections I’ve gotten for Chasing the Kestrel to 49.

What will I do tomorrow? I’ll query another agent…after getting my writing done for the day.


As difficult as it may be for a new writer to “Break in” and for as much advice there is out there on how to do it, there is only one hard and fast rule. Only one rule that can Never be broken.

Only one…

Don’t give up.


And know that you’re not alone.

What I’m working on:

This is going to be a new part of the Blog where I let you all know what I’m currently working on and what’s coming up. So here goes…

What I’m working on:
Title: Brimstone
Final edits for my submission to the Lawless Lands anthology. Beta readers are Betaing

The Price of Power
I’m waiting to hear back from Faith regarding final edits.  I’m kinda anxious about this one. Not because I think the story is bad or anything.  I’ve been working with the editor, revised the story, and returned it. He likes the story and he sent it on to Faith for final approval. Here’s where the anxiety kicks in. I’m playing in Faith’s sandbox, here, and I really hope that I’ve turned in something that would make her proud to bring into her amazing world.

I got some really solid feedback and, when Brimstone is submitted, I’m going to dig into this story.  I was originally going to shop it around, but then I found out about Hell Hath No FuryThis is an anthology where women take the lead.  It’s a kickstarter, and it’s already been funded, so the book is going to happen. But, get this…If they reach $26,000 (and they’re so, freaking close, now) they’ll open the anthology up to 1-2 submitted stories. That’s where I’ll send Partners first.

Chasing the Kestrel
I got some good feedback when I entered the book in this year’s Pitchwars contest, so I’ve printed it out and I’ll go through it with a fine-tooth comb. I’ve still got 10 active queries (two have asked for more pages!!) and, after this pass, I’ll start querying again.




Time: 6:33 pm-ish

Music: Kamelot – March of Mephisto