Rest as Work

Today I want to talk about one of the things on my to do list that is the hardest for me to do, and the one that most often gets set aside until the next day – or later. Rest. Now I know many of you might be double-taking at that. Rest? Like, doesn’t that …

Priorities and Priorities

Happy Sunday (or whenever you’re reading this) Everyone. Today has been the kind of day where I’ve had my first cup of coffee this morning at 11:30. I’m having mixed feeling about that. It wasn’t that I’d slept in until 11:30, it was more that there was stuff to do and it wasn’t until I’d …

A Different Take on Failure

What is your relationship with Failure? If you’re anything like me, the world you grew up in used to – and in many ways still does – look at failure as something to be avoided. Sometimes at all costs. You’ve probably heard that cheesiest of lines: “Failure is NOT an option!” I’ll be right now, …