Friday Fess-Up: October 26th

So I’m having one of those weeks where I don’t remember much of what happened. It was Sunny – n – Seventy on Saturday and I spent the day doing ALL THE THINGS outside.  Then there was an epic grilling session.

So no writing on Saturday and Sunday, which isn’t unusual.

Monday, I got up to write and all I really remember about that morning was that it was cold. Sleep Monday night was full of what I can only call anxiety-riddled dreams. I remember one where I was bathing one of the dogs and partially flooded the house. I woke up feeling like I was on the tail end of a fight-or-flight response…and I got up late, because 5:30 in the cold and dark just wasn’t happening.

So no writing on Tuesday morning.

Wednesday I got up to write and came away with the name for that alien cow.

Thursday, I got up, looked at my outline for the first time in a while, and I spotted holes in the story.

And that the story wasn’t starting in the right place.

While I’m glad I can fix these beforehand, it still didn’t stop me from questioning ALL THE THINGS – so I’m going back over the outline, pretty much start to finish to make sure that it all makes sense.

I’ve got 5 days to get everything squared away before November, where my friend Lillian and I are *Not* NaNoWrimo-ing, but we are doing a month long sprint. Her goal is a total of 30-40 Thousand words, and I’m shooting for 50 Thousand. It’ll be good to have a writing partner to check in with, compare, commiserate, cry, and celebrate with.

I’ll put it out there: I have no idea how I’m going to manage 50 Thousand words. At least not yet.  I’ll let you know what I came up with on December 1st.

So I’m typing this up on Thursday because I’ve got the time, and I’m not anticipating having the spoons for anything outside of hardcore R-n-R after day-jobbing on Friday.

I’m on schedule tonight, and I’m planning on getting back to The Work on Friday morning, early.  Normally, I’d put down, “Bright and early” but, now-a-days, it’s not so bright outside when I wake up.

So Happy Friday, Folks. This should go live around Noon, so there’ll still be a little bit of Week-day left, but here’s hoping those last few hours pass you by without slowing.