Friday Fess-Up: May 25th – The Balticon Edition

Happy Friday Everyone!

We made it.

Well, I confess to bailing on this week early to head on over to Balticon 52

Here’s where I’m going to be Today:

5:00 pm: When to Tell Instead of Show – Room 9029
“While writers are told to “show, not tell,” there are times where showing is insufficient. What are these times and how do you know how much to share?”

8:00 pm: Writing Major Minor Characters – Room 8029
“They may not be your protagonists, but minor characters need to be fleshed out just as much as the heroes. How do minor characters enrich a story, and how can we make them interesting without letting them steal the spotlight?”


If you’re in the area, stop by. I’d love to meet you. Catch up with me after a panel, or at the hotel bar.

You can check out the Events Page to find out where I’m going to be the rest of the weekend.

Hint: You’ll want to check out the Broad Universe Rapid-Fire Reading on Saturday. I’ll be reading something there that I’ve never read at this event before. Come check it out!


Be sure to stop by Sunday for the usual post.

Until then,

Be safe Y’All!