Friday Fess-Up: August 3rd

Welcome, Everyone to the first Friday Fess-Up for August.

We made it!!

When I originally started this segment of the Blog, I wanted to craft a response to the posts that I’d been seeing where folk would post about their one-thousand, three thousand, and even four thousand word days.

I had never seen posts where anyone would say “I wrote 100 words, today,” or “I didn’t get anything written today.”

In my head, I was thinking that these posts would be like the confessions of a struggling writer. As I initially called it, I wanted to celebrate the “Lousy” days.

I confess that I was wrong in my thinking.

There are no Lousy writing days.

There are days where it is difficult, yes, and there are even days when you can’t do it.

That’s not lousy. It just is.

I still want to shed light on the life of a writer such as myself who is in the thick of the struggle. This isn’t to say that folk that have had success don’t suffer. I’ve had successes.

This isn’t to say that the top tier authors don’t struggle. I’m nowhere near there, but I know- just as I know the feel of these keys beneath my fingers – that they struggle as well. The form may have changed somewhat (or maybe it hasn’t. I’ll let you know when I get there), but it’s there.

I have a full-time job. I have a family.

I have a house. I have a kitchen that needs cleaned. I have dogs. I have a lawn that will need mowed in another couple of weeks.

I have interests, and passions, and loves for things that aren’t writing.

And I have the writing.

In short, I have a life – and it keeps me pretty busy.

So I make the time I can to get the words down. Some days are easier than others. Some days I have more time than others. Some days, things fall by the wayside until tomorrow.

Some days it doesn’t go as smoothly as I’d like. Some days, it goes better than I’d hoped.

It’s all part of life. You do what you can, the best that you can, for as long as you can.

Nobody can do more than that.

That’s what I want you to take away from these posts. That this isn’t a sprint, it’s not even a marathon. It’s a journey. We all move at our own pace, and that’s ok.

With any luck, you’ll read these and see snapshots of where you are, where you’ve been, or what may be ahead (or may not be ahead, no two journeys are exactly the same.)

If you can find encouragement, from these, that’s great. It’s part of why I do it. If this turns out to be for no one other than myself, that’s ok too. It’s part of why I do it.

See you out there…



Be sure to stop by on Sunday for the regular blog post.

Be sure, also, the check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.

Be safe Y’All.