Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and…
Here are Five Things I want you to Know:
Thing #1: It’s Back…
The Two Questions With… Blog tour is back in full swing!!

*Every Monday in February we, a small, romantic, group of writers, will tour each other’s blogs and answer questions about writing romance. Stop by often, as the answers are sure to fill you with loving warmth – if not raise your pulse a little…
Who is this lovesick bunch you may ask?
We are:
Be sure to stop by the Events Page for my schedule, and check out the other authors to see what they’ve got in store for you!!
Thing #2: Check out Janet Walden-West ‘s post up on The Million Words website for a good list of Romance novels to read.
Thing #3: This weekend is going to be pretty intense, Rugby-wise. The only two unbeaten teams in the Six Nations Tournament will face each other. Wales and England. And I really want Wales to win.
Thing #4: Back to the romance, on this Valentine’s Day Post: If you’re not incorporating romance in your work, you should seriously consider it.
Thing #5: I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. You shouldn’t either. As long as you’re not hurting anyone (including yourself), I say “You do you.” Don’t let anyone yuck your yum.
*Special thanks to Pat Esden for the continued use of the logo she made. The “Romance Edition” changes are my own. Any design brilliance there belongs to Pat. The flaws are, likewise, my own.
Be sure to check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.
If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:
See you tomorrow for the Friday Fess-up post.
Until then…
Be safe Y’All.