Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and…
Here are Five Things I want you to Know:
Thing #1: Last Saturday, the England Women’s Rugby team (The Red Roses) beat France to win their third consecutive Women’s Six Nations Championship! Well done!
Thing #2: While I was out walking Yesterday, I had to stop to move a turtle from the middle of the road. I’m glad I did, I just hope I didn’t inadvertently undo hours of work…
Thing #3: Being hunted by Ringwraiths would, I think, have a positive impact on one’s daily step count.
Thing #4: This week’s Audio Landscape has been brought to you by… Sabaton
Thing #5: Simply walking to Mordor: This week I’ve walked 36.11 miles bringing my total to 117.17 miles from Bag-End. As the crow flies, I’ve left Bree (no Ride in a cart for me) after an eventful evening at the Prancing Pony and have entered The Wild with Strider…
What, it seemed like a reasonable thing to do…

What am I reading this week?
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price
Annihilation Aria by Michael R Underwood
How have I been relaxing and refilling the well?
After a bit of Rain today, this weekend is going to be pretty nice. You’ll be able to find me at the Front Yard Bar and Grill this weekend.
Be sure to check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.
If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:
See you on Sunday!
Until then…
Be safe. Be Excellent to each other.