Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and…
Here are Five Things I want you to Know:
Thing #1: There’s always something new and interesting out there – If you’ve got an eye out for it. And that’s not as easy as it sounds.
Thing #2: Wednesday was the first day I went for a full 24 hours without any kind of pain meds. I’m calling that a milestone.
Thing #3: I am really looking forward to easing back into some kind of activity when the time comes.
Thing #4: Playing on the Mental Jukebox right now: The Vulture’s Amulet by Lady Beast
Thing #5: Simply walking to Mordor: Naturally, I haven’t been doing any walking this week. For the time being, I’ll be camping out on Amon Sul with Aragorn – Not a bad way to spend the time. Interestingly my incision pattern is vaguely hand-shaped. Perhaps I’ll say that I was attacked by a Ring Wraith with those sharp, pointy gauntlets.
I’ll be here until I get the restrictions lifted. For those of you who are waiting for me in Rivendell, I’m sorry…

What am I reading this week?
Shattered by Kevin Hearne
Dead Space by Kali Wallace
How have I been relaxing and refilling the well?
Apparently I am now a person who takes naps in the middle of the day. Never used to do that before but the body needs what the body needs – listen to it.
Be sure to check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.
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See you on Sunday!
Until then…
Be safe. Be Excellent to each other.