Friday Fess-Up: January 26th

Hi there, everyone!

Welcome to another Friday Fess-Up post.

It’s been a long week. I can’t really say why, but that first, post-con week just seems to drag ass. Probably because the weekend previous was full of great people, great conversations, and abject geekery. As an aside, if you were there and said Hi, or came to one of my panels, I’d like to thank you. There was a ton of awesome stuff  to do that weekend and you chose to spend part of it with me, and I appreciate that.

So, Monday comes along and reality settles in like an ill-fitting pair of shoes.

And I fall back into the routine, because that’s what lets me get through the week, getting everything done – perhaps not as quickly as I’d like to do it, but I’ve only got 24 hours and at least 7 of them are reserved for sleep, damn  it.

This week hasn’t been slow, but it’s been clunky. In the middle of the week, I got the edit letter back for an anthology that I’m contributing a story to (more on that later). That took me two days. The rest has been working on Jade Moon Waning.

For those of you that don’t know what that is, here’s the elevator pitch:

A smuggler turned Empress has to unite three disparate races in order to stop a renegade AI from wiping out humanity.

This morning, I struggled with something as simple as a tank-top.  True, it was 5:30 am, and I’d not made it through my first cup of coffee yet, but I struggled with the idea. Was there something else I could call it, without going into punishingly intricate detail?

Sometimes you’ve just got to get it down and let a different set of eyes look at it later on to determine if it’s too close to popular culture. That’s what I did today.

And that’s what’s going on. This weekend, I plan on adding excerpt pages for some of the stories that I’ve got out, so stay tuned for that.

Be sure to stop by on Sunday!

Be safe Y’All.