Friday Fess-Up: October 12th.

Happy Friday Everyone!!

We made it!

I don’t know if you’re feeling like I am but, Tiny Gods, today couldn’t have gotten here any sooner. There’s something about a 4 day Work Week that just screws with my schedule.

Speaking of scheduling, her’s how the week broke down:

Saturday: Word Count =  1192.
Sleep (Friday-Saturday): 10 hours 10 minutes. Clearly I’m paying back some kind of sleep deficit.

Sunday: Word Count = 1010

Sleep (Saturday to Sunday): 7 Hours and 40 Minutes – because you can’t make it up in a single night.

Monday: Word Count = 1381
Sleep (Sunday to Monday): 8 Hours and 30 Minutes. This was the day I broke 100k words.

Tuesday: Word Count = 0
Sleep (Monday to Tuesday): 8 Hours. I got to bed late, and I thought I could squeeze in some writing on my lunch break.  Good Idea, if I’d had an entire Lunch break to work with.

Wednesday: Word Count = 0
Sleep (Tuesday to Wednesday):  7 Hours. Yes, you read that right. Tuesday was a late night, and sleep is still a priority. When I got back from the Day job I had nothing left in the tank.

Thursday: Word Count = 512 words. Starting to get back in the groove.
Sleep (Wednesday to Thursday): 8 hours

Friday: Word Count: 1054. And it was a struggle for me.
Sleep (Thursday to Friday): 7 hours. Took a hit on sleep so I could get more words down. Going to try and make up for it during the weekend.

What am  I reading this week? This isn’t going to be a review site, just a quick blip to show folks that I’m not doing anything but writing.

Vanguard by Jack Campbell. This is giving me a “Chronicles of the Lensmen” vibe, but not in a good way. I’ll see how it goes.

Space Opera by Cat Valente

What am I listening to this week? The Galactic Suburbia Podcast.

How have I been relaxing and refilling the well? This is going to be sparsely populated until I can figure out the whole work-life balance thing.

This weekend I’m hoping to catch up with the European Champions Cup. Starting with Leinster v Wasps.  Go Leinster!!


Be sure to stop by on Sunday where I’ll be talking about my Month long Writing push in September.

Stop by the Freebies page for story Excerpts.

Also check out the Events page for info on the…

Blog tour that is going on during the month of October!!!