Five-Thing Thursday: October 5th

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: It’s Spooky Season!!! It doesn’t feel like it quite yet (Not that I’m complaining) but we’re moving into one of my favorite seasons. Thing #2: That thing you want to do, but aren’t because (insert reason here): You’re …

Five-Thing Thursday: September 28th.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: You will stumble. That’s ok. Failure is part of the process. Thing #2: Not to take anything away from marathon sessions, but short, sustained, and consistent periods of work will get you there more often. Thing #3: Downtime, …

Five-Thing Thursday: September 21st.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: It’s time to look at how I’m organizing my day and make some adjustments. Thing #2: Mental habits – any habit really – are hard to break. Thing #3: Like I mentioned Last Week It’s Cider and Doughnut …

Five-Thing Thursday: August 31st.

Welcome to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Passion and Purpose are linked, but not interchangeable Thing #2: It sometimes catches me off guard, how shockingly easy it is to slight yourself in favor of a dayjob Thing #3: I’ve recently discovered the High Performance Podcast …