Doubling Down on NaNoWriMo

I don’t normally participate in National Novel Writing Month. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have anything against it. Usually, when November comes around, I’m not in a place where I can participate without putting the current project on hold for a month.

This year is different.

I’ve got an outline down, most of the character work is complete and, a couple of weeks ahead of November 1, I’m ready to go.

Then I looked farther down the timeline and it hit me that, on November 1st, there would be two months left in the year.

50,000 words a month for two months. That’s a book. Or, at least, the first draft of a book.

Daunting…but, doable?

I’ve been rolling the idea over in my head for the last couple of days and I’ve decided to go for it.

I’ll post regular (or regularish) updates here to let you all know how I’m doing. Will I sign up for NaNo this year? Maybe. The jury is still out on that. I can see it turning into a time sink.

Whether or not I do, if you’re participating this year, know that I’ll be scribbling down the words right there with you.

And, if you’re not participating this year, try to find some way to challenge yourself this month. See what you can do.

Adventure Awaits!


Time: 11:20 am – ish

Music: Dragonforce – Through the Fire and Flames