Worth the Cost

It’s called Activation Energy. This is the energy it costs to start a reaction. Looking at it from a wider perspective, it’s the energy you spend to get anything going. Unsurprisingly, this cost isn’t static. One day, an activity might take a small amount of energy to get going. Another day, it might take much …

Pre-Game Jitters

The title of today’s post is a little bit of a misnomer, as it’s going live on Sunday which would, in fact, be the last day of ConFusion 2024 and I’m drafting this post on Friday afternoon, some few hour before any actual programming begins. I’m doing this for two reasons: The First, is because …

Rigidity and Fluidity

Here we are: One week in to 2024. I hope it’s been a good one for you. Like many of you, I got up on that first day with a plan (more or less). I intended to start exploring, and making progress on the things I’d talked about Last Week. I was going to get …

What a Mess

I can’t even remember what it was that I was originally going to post about this week. The events of the past few days have driven it from my head, and filled that space near to bursting. I don’t have the spoons for anything more than that. Thanks for reading. Be safe out there. Be Excellent …


I’ve never done this before, but this year has been full of all kinds of firsts, so why not try something new, right? For the first time, I’m working on two projects at the same time. For those of you who know me, this is going to come as a bit of a surprise. For …

The Space Between.

Earlier this week I was listening to the “Off Camera with Sam Jones” podcast. Actually, I’ve been binge listening to every episode available in I-Tunes for the last few weeks. Sidebar: If you haven’t given it a listen, check it out. It’s got a real Inside the Actor’s Studio vibe that I love. The episode …

Taking Chances

Last week, I talked about how I often tend to get introspective around my birthday (and New Years, but that’s a way off yet) and how I had a hard time focusing on the positive. part of that post was a sampling of the things that I came up with that I wanted to see …