Friday Fess-Up: March 30th

Welcome to the final Friday Fess-Up post for March.

While it might not be a serious confession to say that I’m looking forward to it (finally) getting warmer, I am SOOOO looking forward to it getting warmer. Even if it means wading through the inevitable mud that the April showers will unleash, I’l take it.

There isn’t much to fess up to this week. I got my writing done. I got the extra blog post done (Hint: I’m up on the Million Words Blog this Sunday.  Come check it out here – then come back on Sunday for more awesome), I even got extra writing done at the Wednesday night Write Club.

I can feel things starting to pick back up. I’m not going to try and blame it completely on the weather, but I think there is something going on with me and this time of the year that slows me down.

Speaking of slowing down, I confess to not keeping up with some of the goals I set for myself this year. Some of them I’ve knocked out of the park. “Read something you wouldn’t normally read this year” was one of them. I’m going through biographies and I’m digging them. Granted, I’m reading bios of writers, actors, and musicians but, then again, those kinds of folks are my jam. I’m actually surprised that it took me this long to start picking them up.

Of the things that I haven’t been keeping up with is the Work.  I’m not as far along as I’d like to be on this book. A big part of that is (as I’m pretty sure I’ve covered before) that I’m stretching myself. I’m not doing the same thing that I did before so, of course, it would be unreasonable to expect the same daily output as last time.

I also confess to being unreasonable with myself occasionally.

So starting this April 1st (no Foolin’) I’m going to take the goal I’ve got the for this book (write one book this year) and break it down into three month chunks. I want to have 50,000 words by July 1st.  I’ll figure out what I have to do per month to get that, breaking it down further to what I have to get done per week to get that done, and then finally breaking it down to what I have to get done per day to reach that goal.

Then I will get that shit done.

If it works, I’ll apply it to other projects that I’ve got on one or more of the various burners.

I’ll be sure to post updates here.

Be sure to stop by on Sunday for the usual update.

Also, be sure to check out the Freebies page for story excerpts.


Be Safe Y’all!