I used to type these posts up on the fly. Well, when I say “Used to,” what I mean is that I’m still doing it, but I think that I need to change up what I’m doing.
The problem is that doing it this way takes up a bit more time that I have now-a-days. So I’m going to have to start planning ahead a bit more – jotting stuff down during the week – making better use of my spare time.
Now I hate to use that phrase “better use” because it implies that I’m not being as productive as I can be. There’s two things wrong with that. The first is that I’ve already got a lot on my plate. Lack of productivity isn’t a concern. The second is that I can’t be working all the time. I do get to take some time to just do…whatever. Lately, those times have been coming pretty much exclusively on the weekends. Nice that I’m getting them at all, lousy that they fall off the radar during the work week – and I still go through great stretches of days where I’m writing the same things on the “To Do” list, scratching off, the daily stuff, but not getting to the others for a time.
So I need to change things up a bit. Try and spread the work out over the course of the week, rather than bunch it up on the weekend.
I am still researching the whole Mailing list thing. There are a lot of free (up to a certain number of email addresses) services out there. All of them offer more than what I’ll be able to utilize at first. I’ll be arranging them by “Learning Curve” followed closely by ease of use, and the maximum number of email addresses I can have in a list before I have to break out the wallet.
The Two Questions With… Blog tour is back in full swing!!

*Every Monday in February we, a small, romantic, group of writers, will tour each other’s blogs and answer questions about writing romance. Stop by often, as the answers are sure to fill you with loving warmth – if not raise your pulse a little…
Who is this lovesick bunch you may ask?
We are:
Be sure to stop by the Events Page for my schedule, and check out the other authors to see what they’ve got in store for you!!
Stop by the Freebies page for story Excerpts.
If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:
See you on Monday for Anne Raven ‘s visit!