Pouring from an Empty Cup

You can’t do it. Thanks for reading, I’ll see you on– *Record scraaaatch* Ok, maybe I could put a finer point on it than that. To do that however, I’m going to ask you, Reader, to take a closer look at a socially negative concept and consider changing your mind about it. Ready for the …

Rest as Work

Today I want to talk about one of the things on my to do list that is the hardest for me to do, and the one that most often gets set aside until the next day – or later. Rest. Now I know many of you might be double-taking at that. Rest? Like, doesn’t that …

In Like A Lion

March: In like a Lion, out like a lamb I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before. Funnily enough, this and “April showers, bring May flowers” are the only two sayings around the months that I can remember with any kind of ease. I say funny, because you’d think that if we’d come up with two, …

Stepping Back to See Forward

At the beginning of the year, I made a change to the daily “To-Do” list. I started dividing it into two sections which I called: “Important and Urgent” and “Important but not Urgent.” This change has had some benefits, which I’d hoped for. It keeps me on track better than simply brain dumping onto the …

The To Don’t List

I just finished listening to the audiobook of Good to Great by James Collins and I ran across this concept. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I love me a good list. I write them out by hand – which I also love doing – and the one I create the most, …

More Time

Yesterday was pretty busy. Ok, Saturdays usually are. It’s the day I can start to get caught up on all the stuff that I’d like to do, but which get slid over onto the back burner in favor of the demands of the Day-to-Day. It could have been busier still because, for a while there, …