Without getting into details, it’s been a long couple of weeks here. I’m not going to say that it hasn’t had its rays of sunlight as well (Captain Marvel – again!!), but there have been some knocks.
It’s been harder to get up and get to writing. I’m still doing it, but I wasn’t working on the book. I’ve been editing a few short stories for circulation. By the time you’re reading this (Thanks for that), I’ll have sent off another story.
But it wasn’t the book.
There was a time where I had started to wonder if, maybe, I was avoiding getting back to it.
Naturally, my first response was that I wasn’t. I had to get these shorts out. There was an approaching deadline for a call for submissions. There’s always something. Still I had started to wonder if I was being honest with myself.
I didn’t have any reason to avoid working on it. In fact, I’ve got several reasons to get it done and get it out there.
Since then, I’ve gotten back to work on it. I am, in fact three days in. I’m not going to give up on the story. I refuse to let it all be for nothing. If the book doesn’t fly, that’s someone else’s decision. It won’t be me deciding to give up on it.
In this job – in life in general – you’re going to take some hits. Some of those may even knock you down.
Get back up.
Even if all you’ve got left is the act of getting up.
The number of times you get knocked down doesn’t matter. Getting back up does.
Be sure to stop by the Freebies page for story Excerpts.
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