Future Me can be a Time Sink

If you’ve been following the blog for the past few weeks, you’ll know that I’ve been trying to manage my time better. If you’ve been following my Five Thing Thursday posts, you may have gotten a hint that, for me, it hasn’t been as easy as it sounds.

Then the stars aligned this past weekend.

I had two blog posts due, in addition to the previously mentioned Five Thing Thursday post – Which I usually struggle to get done on Wednesday night.

I had everything done by Wednesday afternoon. The Five Thing post was simply a matter of copy and paste, and the other two posts I’d written longhand. I typed everything up on Thursday and had the two posts scheduled fully 3 days in advance.

The weekend rolled around and all I had to do was write.

Reader, it was wonderful.

Perhaps too wonderful…

I say that because, Monday, I started looking for ways to replicate what I had done, to make “Future Me” happy.

The problem was…illuminating.

As it turns out, there are two “Future Me’s.”

One is a short-term “Future Me.” This is the version of me that is no more than 24 hours ahead of me on the timeline.

That guy gets screwed – a lot.

The other “Future Me” is a longer term version that can be anywhere from 4 to 7 days down the timeline.

This is the guy who reaps the benefits.

Case in point: It’s now Tuesday Night at 10:30 Pm. I’m writing this post (Longhand, because I love my Fountain Pen to an almost unreasonable degree) when I should be in bed, but Blog topics don’t just come along every day.

And – in about 7 hours – Short term “Me” is going to pay for Present Me’s decision to, not only not spend time on himself, but to try and make longer term “Me” happy.

Come 5:30 Am, I’ll be getting up to write, and wondering why I did this to myself.

Sort-term “Future Me”, about two days from now, will probably be feeling the accumulated lack of sleep, while long-term “Me” gets to sit back and relax on Sunday morning, and do nothing but Write…easy.

Clearly, I’ve got some work to do on this. Like everything else, I’ve got to find a way to balance life so that I’m not shafting any version of me – which, before I set pen to paper, was not a sentence that I’d be expecting to write, but there it is.

Maybe I’ll use some of that extra time on Sunday to do a bit of brainstorming on this.

See you on Thursday!


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Weird Wild West


Chasing the Light