Five-Thing Thursday: January 13th.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday!

Here are Five Things that I want you to know:

Thing #1: The Welsh Rugby Union has extended professional contracts to 12 players. THis may seem like a small step (Considering that 15 players make up a team, and that’s not counting impact players on the bench), but it is HUGE. And history making.

Thing #2: Surprisingly, the vast increase in hand-washing and sanitizing I’ve been doing since…forever ago…hasn’t changed how dry and cracked my hands get during the winter. Of course cracked and barren doesn’t have much of a sliding scale.

Thing #3: It’s worth the effort to try and notice one new thing each day.

Thing #4: Playing on the mental Jukebox right now: Eden by Battle Beast

Thing #5:  Thick socks are worth their weight in gold.


What am  I reading this week?

Grave Destiny by Kalayna Price

Conan (The Collected Works) by Robert E. Howard

How have I been relaxing and refilling the well?

I have been dedicating time each day to Myself. Down time. I can play a game, or do whatever. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. I think this is important.


Be sure to check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.

If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:

Weird Wild West


Predators in Petticoats

Chasing the Light

See you on Sunday!

Until then…

Be safe. Be Excellent to each other.