Five-Thing Thursday: March 10th.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday!

Here are Five Things that I want you to know:

Thing #1: Today is 10 days from the beginning of Spring. I can’t put my finger on it but it seems like this past winter has been SO long.

Thing #2: Keep the end in mind, but focus on the task at hand.

Thing #3: The world is going to come at you, every day, with 25 hours of things it thinks you “Have” to do. Make the time for what you Want to do

Thing #4: Playing on the mental Jukebox right now: The Phalanx by Trivium

Thing #5: One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is to arrange your schedule such that you’re allowed to move at your own pace. This is far from easy, nor is it a one-time thing. You may find that you’ve got to invest the work often, but it IS worth the effort.


What am  I reading this week?

Grave Destiny by Kalayna Price

Conan (The Collected Works) by Robert E. Howard

The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan

How have I been relaxing and refilling the well?

I’ve been focusing on getting enough sleep – I know, amazing right – and I’ve been managing it? It seems like such a surprise, but there it is. It’s made all the difference this week, as if I didn’t know that’s what would happen.

In addition, I’ve been watching Rugby. There’s a new round of Six-Nations action this coming weekend. My beloved Wales are out of the running for this year, but hopefully they can rain on France’s parade this weekend (Fingers crossed).


Be sure to check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.

If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:

Weird Wild West


Predators in Petticoats

Chasing the Light

See you on Sunday!

Until then…

Be safe. Be Excellent to each other.