Five-Thing Thursday: November 24th.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! By happy coincidence, this installment Five-Thing Thursday falls on Thanksgiving so, without further ado…

Here are Five Things that I am Thankful for:

Thing #1: My Health. If you’ve been following the blog lately (Thanks!), you’ll know that I’ve been recovering from Covid. I’m feeling better, and have once again reached that point where I feel like I could jump back into the normal routine, but this time I’m going to ease back into the load of activity. See? I can, in fact learn from my previous missteps.

Thing #2: My Family and friends. Family has been easier to keep in touch with, but this year, I’ve really felt the absence of my friends and, in a larger context, the writing community. It’s easier, nowadays to drift into isolation. I’ve already taken steps to remedy that, and will make it a focus in the coming year.

Thing #3: Dogs. I include them with family, but doggos get a special mention.

Thing #4: Music. If you know me at all, you know that I need music like I need to breathe. It picks me up when I’m down and lifts me higher when I’m up. There’s been so much good stuff released since this time last year, and I’m always looking forward to the next discovery.

And what, you may ask, is playing on the Mental Jukebox today? Love Dagger by Seven Kingdoms.

Thing #5: There are so many things to choose from, that I’m finding it difficult to settle on just one. So I’m going to finish up by saying that I’m thankful for the wider world out there and everything in it. For the opportunities to make memories both at home and abroad. And for the people I’ve met along the way.


What am  I reading this week?

Thieves’ Quarry by D. B. Jackson

The Emperor’s Edge by Lindsay Buroker

How have I been relaxing and refilling the well?

I’ve been doing nothing but relaxing lately and – not to put a wrong spin on it – I’m ready to start working my muscles again. Which, in its own wy is relaxing, as counterintuitive as it sounds.


Be sure to check out the Freebies Page for story Excerpts.

If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:

Weird Wild West


Predators in Petticoats

Chasing the Light

See you on Sunday!

Until then…

Be safe. Be Excellent to each other.