Am I Still Doing This?

You may have noticed that I’ve fallen off the rails a bit with the blog – the recent holiday notwithstanding. There are a few reasons for this – or that’s what I’d been telling myself. I haven’t had the energy or the time. Which would hold water – Sundays are pretty busy around here – …

Five-Thing Thursday: December 22nd.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: It’s all connected. Thing #2: Real change comes in small increments. Yes, it can come like a brick to the head, but that’s almost always from an external factor. Consistent change is slow. It’s …

Quick Update

In the coming weeks, I’m going to be looking at updating, or changing the way the site looks. I’ve had the same look now for several years and I think it’s time to spruce the place up. That hasn’t been the reason why I’ve missed a couple of Sundays, but it’s in that orbit. So …