Balticon 2023

In just under a week, I’ll be at Balticon 2023. This will be my first In-Person con for a number of years, and I’m pretty excited about it. It’ll be good to see my people again. I hope to see you there.

Here’s my panel schedule for the weekend.

Fri 5:30 PM – Pirates in Space                                 
Sat 1:00 PM – Alien Aliens                                     
Sat 4:00 PM – Alternate Morality (I’m moderating this one!)                              
Sun 11:30 AM – Why Superheroes? Why Now?                         
Sun 1:00 PM – Is SF/Fantasy Mere Escapism                       
Sun 5:30 PM – Writing for Different Audiences                   
Sun 8:30 PM – Plot a story from audience input

I’m looking forward to the discussions and, again, seeing folk I haven’t seen in a few years.

Thanks for reading. Be safe out there. Be Excellent to Each other – and yourself.

I’ll see you on Thursday.


If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:

Weird Wild West


Grease Monkeys

Predators in Petticoats