Diminishing Returns

I got the idea for this week’s post from last week’s post. Here I am right on the heels of saying that the Blog has evolved into something other than being a primarily writing blog, and here I am, talking about writing.

Well not exactly, because what I’m talking about will translate to other areas of life.

Last week I was talking about retirement and how I’m navigating the transition, and I said that even though I had the time now to write all day, every day, I’m not capable of doing that. That’s because the endurance, or capacity, to produce something that I’m not just going to toss away tomorrow has it’s limits. That well isn’t bottomless.

It is something that I can – with effort – build up, exercise like a muscle. But there will always be a point of failure, and part of my job is to figure out where that is and, when I reach it, have the self-awareness, and give myself the grace enough, to call it a day.

Sometimes that’s the hardest part, but – with effort – I can get better at that too.

Thanks for reading. Be safe out there. Be Excellent to Each other – and yourself.

I’ll see you on Thursday.


If you’ve read, and enjoyed any of my books, please consider leaving a review:

Crimson Whisper: A Wainwright and Holliday Adventure

Weird Wild West


Grease Monkeys

Predators in Petticoats