Passion and Purpose

Today, I’d like to talk about a couple of terms that have been on my mind lately, thanks to the guys at the High Performance Podcast. Passion and Purpose. A passion is something that you’re jazzed about. For me it’s Music, Stories, Nature, Photography, just to name a few. The thing about passions is that …

The You Filter

Let’s say I give you a line or two – just the seed of a story – and I ask three of you to come up with something. Hell, let’s not just suppose it, here’s something to work with: “Yes, Time-Travel isn’t something you’d normally find on an expense report, but hear me out.” You’re …

Do the Thing

For those of you who may not know me, I love me a good list. I write them almost daily (I tend to take the weekends off). One day, recently, the thought came to me to ask myself the following question: “What is one thing that you can do today to bring you closer to …

Just Beneath the Surface

Your mileage may vary, but if your area is anything like it is in my neck of the woods, walking across your front lawn, this time last week, felt and sounded like you were walking across a large piece of toast. Crunch, crunch, crunch. This morning, though, there was significantly less crunch. Everywhere I looked, …

Know Your Why

Why did you do that? Why am I doing this? Why? Why? Why? It’s the most introspective of the “W’s” and, to my mind, one that gets the most overlooked. Why? Because. Be honest. I’ll bet it didn’t take any effort to jump between those two lines. You might even have seen that “Because” coming …

Something New

I tried something new today! I did, that’s why this post went live later than usual (You all buy that, right?). For those of you who are interested, it was a new breakfast recipe that allowed me to use the muffin-baking sheet that I got for x-mas. I won’t get into the details, suffice it …

No Small Victories

I finished a story last week. Like proper finished a story, and turned it in. And then I moved onto the next project with nary a word. Primarily, this was because I had not one, but two other projects that I’d placed on hold to get this story done (Deadline shuffling). Secondarily, it was a …