I Need You

I’m going to finish off this week with some words of encouragement. That thing you do? I need it. That thing that only you can do, whether it’s a game, or a piece of music, or a photo, or a painting, sculpture, a story, whatever it is, that thing that only you can create. I …

My Batteries are Low, and it’s Getting Dark.

If you’re reading this blog, the chances are pretty good that you already know where the title of this post came from. If not, let me step back and explain. The title of this post comes from the last communication sent to Earth from Earth’s Opportunity rover on Mars after a dust storm immobilized them …

2019: A Look Forward

I’m writing this up early. Last year as a matter of fact. Why? Because my first act (well, likely my second) of 2019 will be to sleep in. So here we are: 2019 – Day 1. What am I looking forward to? Assuming that the revisions don’t take an entire year, I’ll have a book …

2018: A Look Back

Well, this is it. The final day of 2018. I know that some of that time it seemed like we’d never get here. I gotta be honest: When I started scribbling down what was going to be the outline for this post (Yesterday, as it turned out), this look back was going to be a …

Do Your Job

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend. I know that some of you are participating in NaNoWriMo (For those of you that don’t know: That stands for National Novel Writing Month), and some of you aren’t. And that’s ok, this post is for you too. And, among those of you that are participating, …

Surprise Goose

Happy Sunday, Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend! There’s a bit of a story around this week’s title. For those of you that don’t know…I’ve got critters here at the house. Not in the house…well, there’s the dogs, but outside the house too. There’s goats, a few llamas (because we’ve also got Coyotes) chickens, …

Enjoy the Ride

Happy Sunday, Everyone. I hope you’re enjoying the weekend. I wanted to take a bit of time this week to offer some encouragement. We’re all engaged in some kind of struggle, and I know that there can be days, weeks, and months where it seems like there’s nothing going on but the struggle. I know …

Inspired by Greatness

Last night, I sat down and watched* the live-stream of the 2018 Nebula awards like it was a sporting event. Ok, maybe not – exactly – like a sporting event. My wife was in the room and she already thinks I’m a little bit loopy, so I held it together. Until they got to “Best Novel” …