Maintaining a Work-Life Balance

Happy Sunday, Everyone! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend.

So I feel like I’m the absolutely last person in the world qualified to talk about this, but I did say in the beginning that this blog is sometimes as much for me as it is for you.

This is one of those times.

Lately, days have been getting away from me. Part of that is a bit of disorganization on my part. Some of it involves a lot of moving parts in my life, and some of it is trying to force a schedule that, if I’m being honest with myself – and I probably should be – I’m not willing to fully commit to.

You see, I like lists. I like regularity, but I don’t really like living under a clock. And that’s what I’d been trying to do. It seemed like every day was nothing more than a continuing string of deadlines from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep.

Life doesn’t work like that. Without a little bit of flexibility built in, one thing knock into another and so on, until you’ve got a mess and you throw up your hands and start over the next day.

So, while I wouldn’t call it “First” making sure I’ve got some flexibility built in is going to be a priority, probably after sleep.

Sleep has been all over the map, especially on the weekend, where I totally throw off my schedule. That’s something that I’ve really got to work on, but that’s going to be a struggle.

The “Work” part of this equation isn’t anything that I can do anything about – winning any one of a number of lotteries aside. It’s a fixed time sink.

The Writing part of the equation is something that I won’t do anything about. This is the dream, something that I’m working toward, and I can’t not do the work here.

The Authoring part, while not as important as the writing is still a pretty big thing. As a new author, most publishers are going to expect you to do some – if not all – of your own marketing for your book.

That means putting yourself out there. This blog, my twitter account (Although I fear that I may be spending entirely too much time on twitter), those are places where you build your presence, so that when you’ve got something to announce, there are folk to announce it to.

This can take a lot of time, and it may be one place where I can make up some of that flexibility I was talking about.

Normally, I’ll do most of my blogging, etc on Sunday. Lately, that’s been taking up a big chunk of time, but I figure that if I can spread this over the course of the week or, at the very least “Think” about what I’m going to blog about, it’ll take me less time to get it done.

Here’s where the capacity to schedule posts and Tweets in advance are going to come in handy – if I can stay ahead of the curve.

One final thing I want to touch on is Down time. I’ve been skimping on taking the time to refill that creative well, and just unplug. I think working that into the schedule is going to be huge, if I can do it. This includes getting the right amount of exercise. Something that I’ve also been skimping on.

We’ve all got the same 24 hours in a day, knowing where your time is going and thinking ahead can make it easier to stay on top of it all.


Be sure to stop by on Monday for the next round of Two Questions With…(The Halloween edition). This time around I’m Hosting:

R. J. Theodore

You’ll want to give her answers a read. You’ll be glad you did.


Be sure to stop by the Freebies page for story Excerpts.

And for the full schedule of the Two Questions With… Blog tour, stop by my Events page.