If you’re reading this blog, the chances are pretty good that you already know where the title of this post came from.
If not, let me step back and explain.
The title of this post comes from the last communication sent to Earth from Earth’s Opportunity rover on Mars after a dust storm immobilized them and coated their solar panels.
Yes, technically, NASA built Opportunity and sent them to Mars, but considering the outpouring of emotion from across the globe, when we (grudgingly, I might add, over 1000 attempts to restore contact were made) stopped trying to reestablish contact with the little droid on Wednesday the 13th, I feel confident is saying that Opportunity belonged to all of us.

This is one of the many photos that Opportunity sent back from Mars. What you’re looking at is a picture of the surface of another planet!
Opportunity’s mission was originally thought to last 90 days. They were originally thought to be able to travel some 1100 feet.
Instead, Opportunity extended their mission to 15 years, and traveled just over 28 miles!
I admit to tearing up as I read some of the reactions from the public, and from NASA on the day the decision was made to stop trying to reconnect. Fittingly, Opportunity came to a stop at Perseverance Valley.
Now, a few days later, I find myself inspired by Opportunity:
Do what you were set down here to do. Do it for as long as you can. Don’t worry about age, the tools you’ve got, or any of that superficial bullshit.
Do what only you can do. Leave your mark on the universe. Leave that one spot that says, unequivocally, “I was here!”
Don’t let anyone (or anything) stop you.
You never know where you’ll end up.
The Two Questions With… Blog tour is back in full swing!!

Every Monday in February we, a small, romantic, group of writers, will tour each other’s blogs and answer questions about writing romance. Stop by often, as the answers are sure to fill you with loving warmth – if not raise your pulse a little…
Who is this lovesick bunch you may ask?
We are:
Be sure to stop by the Events Page for my schedule, and check out the other authors to see what they’ve got in store for you!!
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See you on Monday for Anne Raven ‘s visit!