Start with a Good Burger

This week I’d like to talk about a trend I’ve noticed. Burgers are getting taller. Maybe you’ve noticed this as well. You order a burger and when it arrives, it’s…just tall to the point where you’ve got to squash it to get a decent bite. Why am I talking about this, you might ask? Well, …

A Different Take on Failure

What is your relationship with Failure? If you’re anything like me, the world you grew up in used to – and in many ways still does – look at failure as something to be avoided. Sometimes at all costs. You’ve probably heard that cheesiest of lines: “Failure is NOT an option!” I’ll be right now, …

Never Stop Looking

Roadwolf. Girish and the Chronicles If those two lines sound a little (or a lot) like band names, you’d be right. Now you may be asking yourself, “What do those two bands have in common?” Well let me tell you. Before Thursday, I had *Zero* idea that they even existed, and both are bands that …

The Lesson of Rick Allen

I’ve been going back through the musical archives lately, and if you’re in – or close to – my particular age bracket (or maybe younger, and I’ll explain why in a moment) the name of Rick Allen might just ping a memory. It might also be immediately recognizable. If you know, you know. You see, …

Normalize Discomfort

I’m not the biggest fan of my own voice. To clarify, I’m talking about hearing a recording of my voice being played back to me. I never sound on a recording, the way I think I sound when I’m just talking – which is kind of ridiculous because in both cases, it’s still me doing …

Begin. The Rest is Easy(ier)

There are two words I want to talk about today: Activation Energy. Now this is pretty much what it says on the tin. Activation energy is the amount of energy needed to start a process. It can be a chemical reaction, if can be a car going from a standstill to moving, it can be …