Priorities and Priorities



This post is a bit late.

Well, better late than never, right?

But why is the post late, you ask? And, if you’re asking, thank you for sticking it out today.

This weekend I had set myself a deadline for finishing this revision pass on JADE MOON WANING.

Then, as it often does, Life tried to get in the way of me and my plans. I had the opportunity to catch up with my CP and good friend, Janet Walden-West this weekend, and that cost a good chunk of Saturday – for which I have Zero Regrets.

That left this morning as the opportunity to finish revisions and, reader, I am happy to say that I did it. I got it done!

It took me three hours, to do it and, by then, I had to get up and move. I should have gotten up every hour, but I’m self-aware enough to know that,had I done that, I might not have sat back down to finish – so much stuff to do today.

Yes, I know that’s not good for me. Why is that you ask? Well, it’s not good for anyone, but my feet have a tendency to turn blue-ish when I sit for too long. That’s a circulation thing, and I need to pay attention to that, but I was in “the Zone”…

and I clearly need to work on balance, etc. But I digress.

So the writing is The Priority – as it should be. after that, I got up and did some outside chores, eventually ending with mowing the lawn – which was a good plan, because I’m looking at 5 days of rain in the immediate future.

When I was done, I had a finished revision, and the celebration that went with it. This, too, is a priority. You can’t let moments like this, in this business, go unrecognized.

I grilled steaks, and asparagus, and seasoned, cream cheese wrapped, jalapenos for dinner.

Now I’m settling in to post this blog.

That’s not to say that this blog isn’t a priority. It certainly is, no question.

But, while it’s a priority, it’s not “The” priority, so I make time for it when I can. In this case, it’s after a wonderful steak dinner, with some amazing sides.

To put it into perspective, the Blog is there to support the Writing, not the other way around.

Sure I could have planned better, and I hope to do so in the future, but even had I not gotten anything posted today, the real success of today was that I got The Work done.

You’re going to be faced with the same conundrum. Maybe you’ve already faced it. And you’ll have to ask yourself: “What is most important to me?”

And allocate your time accordingly.

See you on Thursday!


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Weird Wild West


Chasing the Light