Write Every Day

Three weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to explore various bits of well-known writing advice and try and articulate what each one means to me. I’ll note now, and I should have noted this in the beginning that nothing in here is anything that I’d call a “Rule.” If you find that this works …

Show, Don’t Tell

Two weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to explore various bits of well-known writing advice and try and articulate what each one means to me. I’ll note now, and I should have noted this in the beginning that nothing in here is anything that I’d call a “Rule.” If you find that this works …

Edit Without Mercy

I decided to take a look at bits of writing advice and examine what they mean to me as a writer. Rather than jump off with the usual “Write what you know” stuff – though I’ll get to that later – I started with: “Write without Fear. Edit without Mercy.” I tackled the first part …

Write Without Fear

It sometimes takes a while for the topic of these posts to come to mind. This one had come from a seed of an idea that I had earlier in the week. The seed wasn’t quite what I was looking for – although I didn’t know it at the time. Back on Tuesday, I was …


Every character has a past. When you set out to tell a story, you’re starting at a particular moment in your character’s lives, but what about everything that went on before? It’s been said that the sum total of our pasts comes together to make us who we are today and the same thing goes …