Writing Music…

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you probable know that I love music. I need music like I need to breathe (I’m listening to it right now – “Tonight we Ride” by Unleash the Archers – check them out here). I work best to music. I write to music. If, for …

Surprise the World

19-12 That was the final score of the Japan v. Ireland match last weekend at the 2019 Rugby World Cup. Japan won. There weren’t a lot of people – myself included – who saw that coming. Sure, everyone knew that the *Potential* was there for Japan to win, but it was almost a foregone conclusion …

Penned In

It’s been a Pen on Paper kind of day, week, month…project. For those of you that know me, you know that I love writing longhand. If you know that, then you know I can’t do it for very long. My fingers will start to go numb and my already sketchy handwriting will stutter into illegibility. …

Time Off

I’m taking a break from the Work in project. The 2019 Rugby World Cup has kicked off this weekend. I love this sport. If it turns out the way I’m hoping, the final will come down to New Zealand and Wales. Let this post be a reminder that it’s ok to take some time to …

Out of Control?

I don’t mind telling you that this past week has been harder to keep a hold of than a fistful of water. My writing productivity had slagged, and there were a couple of days where I didn’t get up to write in the morning, and I wasn’t in the headspace , or had the time …