Never Stop Looking

Roadwolf. Girish and the Chronicles If those two lines sound a little (or a lot) like band names, you’d be right. Now you may be asking yourself, “What do those two bands have in common?” Well let me tell you. Before Thursday, I had *Zero* idea that they even existed, and both are bands that …

#RandomRaves! 4-20

Before I get into the Rave, I wanted to mention that I gave a little bit of thought as to whether or not I should title the post with what I’m Raving about. Ultimately, I decided that it would fit in with the “Random” theme if I didn’t include anything more than the date. You …

Random Raves!

I’m going to be trying something new on the blog and see if it gets any traction. I’m calling it Random Raves! What is that you ask? First, a bit of Backstory: I’ve said countless times on the Blog here that Word of Mouth Sells Books. To Quote The Mandalorian: “This is the Way.” And …