Showing Up

Maybe you’ve heard this before: 80 percent of success is showing up. I tried to track down who it was that originally said that and the closest I could get was a quote from Woody Allen, but he was talking about life. I agree with the quote, but what, exactly does “Showing up” mean? On the …

How do you keep going?

I’ve seen the question posed by the title of this blog post a number of times over the past few weeks. It’s a good question because, if you’re anything like me, current events and the latest outrages tend to hit you pretty hard, leaving you drained and tired and that’s not the best footing to …


Who’s job was it to keep an eye on the author this month? Oh, yeah…it was mine. So I’ve kinda fallen off the wagon when it comes to getting a blog post up each week. Some of it – ok, most of it – was simply a mental energy deficit. We’ve all got our own …

Challenge Accepted

Two weeks ago, I talked about some of my plans for 2017: To recap, I set down the challenge to write either one book this year or no less than 10 short stories and submit them. I decided on writing the book and have been working steadily on it since the turn of the year. …

Thoughts about NaNoWriMo

First, let me get the biggest thought out of the way. We’re getting close to the half-way point and, if you’re out there slinging words onto the page, let me just say:               Keep it up, you’re doing great! Whatever your word count is currently, or will eventually be …

There is no Finish Line

The year is winding down. It might not appear that way, but I can feel it in my bones. Right now, outside my window, is a pretty-near perfect Michigan autumn day and all I can feel is…tired. I’m just about spent. I’m feeling worn down to the nub, and I’m ready for 2016 to be …

What Are You Waiting for?

What are you waiting for? Seriously. What are *you* waiting for? More importantly: Why are you *Waiting*? Go do it. Do it today – right now. You won’t ever be “Ready”. The “Perfect” time won’t ever come. The perfect time is right now. Why? Because right now is the only time you’ve got. You may think …