For the Fans?

If you know me, you know that I tend to distance myself from any kind of news. Life is hard enough as it is. I don’t need to know about the latest outrage, or just how brightly the trash fire of American society is burning. It’s a self-defense mechanism. So for something to “ping” on …

The World Wants Brains

The original title of this post was going to be “The World Wants Your Head.” I read that in an article and it stuck with me. If I can find the article, I’ll put a link to it at the bottom of the post*. The article talked about how the world constantly demands your attention. …

The More Things Change

So… I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that the world changed for me recently. In a way, it also stayed the same, although I wish it hadn’t. A couple of weeks ago, I saw Wonder Woman for the first time. Yes, I know, I’m horribly behind on keeping up with movies and television. …

Getting Real…Really

This week, I’d like to take a look at an idea that has been floating around the writing community lately…And kick it really hard in the soft bits. This idea has a tendency to come and go at intervals and, this time, it came along as a click-baity article, the gist of which was: “If …

You Don’t and You Do

You don’t: Need anyone to give you permission to write. Need listen when someone says, “Genre X” is dead. Need to do things “Just so” to be able to call yourself a writer. Need to Outline.* Need to discovery write. Need to listen when someone tells you, “You can’t do that.” Need to continue to …

Take Chances

Happy Sunday Y’All! This is going to be a quick one today because my “To-Do” list is pretty damned long and I am bound and determined to not spend the *entire* day working. So here goes… Take chances. In your writing. Write what you’ve never written before. Take that one thing (or pick one, if …

What Are You Waiting for?

What are you waiting for? Seriously. What are *you* waiting for? More importantly: Why are you *Waiting*? Go do it. Do it today – right now. You won’t ever be “Ready”. The “Perfect” time won’t ever come. The perfect time is right now. Why? Because right now is the only time you’ve got. You may think …

Just Don’t

I don’t have much to say today which may be a good thing. I woke up this morning to find three different stories coming at me from three different places depicting different kinds of ass-hattery and they all had one thing in common. They all revolved around some guy not liking what some woman did. …