The Many Faces of May (1st)

Today is the First of May. This means different things to different people. For some, May 1st is the beginning of Spring. For others, It holds a much deeper meaning in the form of Beltane. Still others, don’t see it as anything other than an ordinary day. This isn’t to put one viewpoint over another, …

Not All Writing is Writing

Happy SUNday readers! That above line may look like it’s got a typo in it, but it’s intentional. Today was super nice out and, after a winter that seemed to last forever, I couldn’t help but spend most of it outside – hence this late-in-the-day post. And I don’t feel guilty (or, I’m trying not …

#RandomRaves! 4-20

Before I get into the Rave, I wanted to mention that I gave a little bit of thought as to whether or not I should title the post with what I’m Raving about. Ultimately, I decided that it would fit in with the “Random” theme if I didn’t include anything more than the date. You …

Random Raves!

I’m going to be trying something new on the blog and see if it gets any traction. I’m calling it Random Raves! What is that you ask? First, a bit of Backstory: I’ve said countless times on the Blog here that Word of Mouth Sells Books. To Quote The Mandalorian: “This is the Way.” And …

Take Your Shot.

Happy Sunday (Or whenever you happen to be reading this) Readers. I’d like to start off today’s post with a Quote: You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” It was Wayne Gretzky who said that. Now it may be that you’ve heard this before. It’s certainly not the first time I’ve heard it. …

Rest and Reset

Happy Sunday Readers! This is going to be a quick one because there’s still stuff I want to get done before I run out of weekend, and “Relax” covers most of the real estate on the list. So gather round the fire, and hark ye well. Phrases like “Take Care of yourself” and “I don’t …