
It’s a foggy Sunday morning. It’s so dense out there that I can just barely make out the end of my driveway – which isn’t as bad as it sounds, I’ve got a pretty long driveway. But it’s cool and the whole world seems soaked and the trees are still missing their leaves which makes …


Before I begin, I want to make a correction: On the last Five-Thing Thursday post I mention Wales v England happening this weekend. I was distressed to discover that said match is happening *Next* weekend. There was still some great stuff happening this weekend. Later on, I’m going to watch London-Irish’s match v Bristol. Now …

In Praise of Editing

I really enjoy editing. That’s it. That’s the tweet. Now I realize that I’ve lost some of you with the title of the post, and maybe a few more of you dropped off after that first line. Not everybody finds that editing is their thing and, you know what, that’s fine. But for those of …

The Thing About Advice

If you’ve been following the writerly world on Twitter, it would have been difficult for you to avoid a particular edgy take on how to view your fellow authors. I won’t repeat it here because I’m not letting that kind of crap into my house. If you’ve seen it, you know what I’m talking about. …