Five Thing Thursday: July 9th

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Kidney stones *shudders* Thing #2: Sometimes the belief will falter. It doesn’t mean that you should stop. You might want to take a moment to examine why, though. You might learn something. Thing #3: …

Five Thing Thursday: July 2nd

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Set small achievable goals. You don’t have to eat the apple all in one bite. Thing #2: I certainly have a new appreciation for Leftovers. Thing #3: The July newsletter went live on the …

First Things First

I haven’t written in a week. A good part of that has to do with the state of *waves hands at the world* everything. More times than I like ot admint, I find myself mindlessly (or semi-mindlessly) doomscrolling (which is an awesome word for it) through twitter, bouncing from one garbage fire to another. It …

Activation Energy

I can’t remember where I first heard this term, although I suspect that I originally came across it during a dimly-remembered chemistry class. Basically, as far as I remember it, the term refers to the minimum amount of energy required to kick off a reaction. If you want to start a ball rolling down a …

Back to Normal?

Here in my neck-o-the-woods, Monday (June 15th) marks the end of a bunch of stay-at-home orders and I’m hearing folks around me starting to talk about things getting back to “Normal.” This kinda scares me. Primarily, it scares me because there’s still no cure or Vaccine for the Coronavirus. We are still logging upwards of …

My Nose is Kicking My…

Seriously bad allergy day today and it feels like my brain is oozing out through my sinuses along with things better left unmentioned. So that’s all for today. By way of apology, have a picture of the world’s largest knitted scarf: See you on Thursday.