Friday Fess-Up for October 5th

I don’t know about you, but I’m kinda digging the alliteration in the title there. Anyway, here’s what’s been going on since the last Friday Fess-Up. I didn’t do a damned thing over the weekend. Well, that’s not entirely true. You may have noticed that I’ve got a blog. Sunday morning is usually when I’ll …

Getting Out There

This weekend included a couple of firsts for me. Friday night I went out to see my first, ever, live hockey game AND I stepped into a casino for the first time. Some of you might be wondering what this has to do with anything, and why I’ve decided to bore you with it on …

Friday Fess-Up

Hi there all, and welcome to my Friday Fess-Up. As promised, here is an unvarnished look at what I’ve been working on (or not) this week:   Jade Moon Waning: I’ve been working on a couple of different alien races that will appear in this story. I still don’t have an elevator pitch and I …

Five Things I Want You to Know

Hold Onto the LightThe Hold Onto the Light campaign has started for another year. For those of you that don’t know about the campaign, it’s Science Fiction/Fantasy authors and fans speaking out about Mental Health awareness. I’ve written a post or two for the campaign and I think that it’s something that we all need to …

Autumn People

“The world has changed. I feel it in the earth. I feel it in the water. I smell it in the air.*” Autumn is coming. What that means is kinda dependent on where you are. For me, Autumn looks like this: (Click to fully fill your eyeballs) Now I’m not saying that this is what …

Characters Part 2

In a previous post, I shared a bit about what goes on when I’m creating a character. I can’t say that I’m surprised to find that the process has changed a little bit. I’m still doing the character sheet, but there have been a few tweaks along the way. For example, I got rid of …

All Roads Lead to Writing

Welcome to the end of the August Blog post Challenge. Yes, I know it’s not August anymore, but this is the week that August ended, so I figure that gets me a little bit of wiggle room. This is one of those, peculiar things that I think all newer writers need to hear, before they …

Blog Stop – Jean Rabe’s The Dead of Night Blog Tour!!!

Hi there Everyone! This week, I’m happy to be hosting a stop on Jean Rabe’s “The Dead of Night” Blog tour. Jean has been kind enough to stop by with an excerpt from The Dead of Night and she was patient enough to field some questions from me. And, if that wasn’t cool enough, make sure …