Start Again

It’s been a rough week. Ok, that’s a bit of an understatement, but I’ll let it stand. My sister is recovering from surgery to repair a badly broken leg. I’ve got a friend in a medically induced coma. I’m not going to get into details, but both are several states away and, even if I …

What I don’t know and what I do know: a #HoldOntoTheLight post

      When I was first asked if I wanted to participate in the #HoldOntoTheLight blog campaign, I hopped on immediately. Treatment for depression, suicide prevention, domestic violence intervention, PTSD, bullying prevention, and other mental health issues are all serious things. Real things that need to be recognized. Things that we all need to …

When Do You Doubt?

Before I get into today’s post, I’ve got an Announcement of Awesomeness: I am fortunate enough to be a part of an amazing online writers group. We call ourselves the Roaring Writers and, today, we are launching our own writing website – to which I will be a regular contributor. You can find it here: …

Changes and Choices

So… A few weekends ago… This happened:               (Red 5 standing by…)   A couple of days go… This happened… An author friend of mine posted on Facebook about having a few spare ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) and not knowing what to do with them. Another friend suggested a …

Keeping Track

I don’t know why it hasn’t occurred to me before but, recently, I stumbled upon a couple of things that – as a writer – I probably should have been keeping track of, but haven’t The first, I’m still on the fence about and that’s keeping a running Story Idea list. Some of you might …

Be at Peace: A #HoldOnToTheLight post

#HoldOnToTheLight is a depression awareness/suicide prevention/mental wellness blog campaign during September/October featuring dozens of SFF authors writing about related topics. Today I’ve got a guest post from my friend and fellow author Mindy Mymudes. Joseph Fern, age 27, of River Falls, died Jan. 10, 2012, at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. A memorial service will be held …


Perseverance.   Perseverance is what helps you get back up when you’ve been knocked down. Perseverance is what keeps you going in the face of opposition, doubt, nay-sayers, mistakes, and (yes) success. I would argue that one of the most important parts in the development of a writer and…well anyone, really, is perseverance. This past …

Quick Catch Up

Catching up This is going to be a brief post this week (assuming that it happens this week). The internet has been wonky and the “To-Do” list today has been looming, but I totally handled it. Like. A. Boss. Really. So, what have I been up to?  Let me break it down for you. Chasing …