Impostor Syndrome

Impostor: imˈpästər – A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain. Tricksy, false… Fake. Sometimes I feel like this.  Not when I’ve dragged myself out of bed at 5 in the morning, waiting for the coffee to start working. I feel it when I think about the good stuff: …

A Taste of Failure….or Not

I’m going to start this post with a digression.             I know, right? Anyway. This is not meant to be a “Poor me” kind of post. Part of what I’m doing here is documenting the weird, wild, world that is a writer’s life. End digression. On with the post… Here …

Why am I doing this…

Every Sunday when I hit “Publish” to send another of these posts out there into the Interwebs, I think to myself: “Self –” (What?  What else would I call myself…anyway) “Self, now that you’ve gotten another post up, you’ve got seven whole days to get to work on the next one.  Hows about you spend …

Enough is Enough

Am I doing enough? I ask myself this question a lot. Particularly after weeks like this past one when the day-job is needier than usual and for a good chunk of the work week, I’m getting home from work (or getting off work) a few minutes before I’m supposed to go to bed… Well, it throws …

Playing Through the Pain

A couple of weeks ago, I came back from the Doctor’s office to report that I had a strained hamstring in my left leg.  I don’t know how I did it. It came on gradually…well as gradually as something like this can sneak up on you. For those of you that have never had one, …


Newsbit #1: I’ve got the flight and hotel booked and Balticon is a “Go”! I don’t have a schedule of what panels I’m going to be on yet, but I’ll post them when I find out. If you’re going to be there, please stop by. I’d love to see you. One place that I’m definitely …

It was a good day for a walk

I’ve taken up going for walks on a (somewhat) regular basis. Partially, it’s because I need the exercise but, mostly, it’s because walking is about all my recovering shoulder can handle. Even then, the pendulum motion of my arm starts my shoulder to aching after a while. Today was a good day for a walk. …

Just a bit of news

Newsbit # 1: I just got invited to submit a story idea for an awesome anthology based in another writer’s world!!!  I can’t talk about the details yet, but it’s going to be great!!!   Newsbit #2: I am now on Twitter. You can follow me @kenschrader4882 to get all the hilarity of me figuring out …