Know When to Adjust

Happy Sunday, Everyone! It might be that you’ll remember that, a little while back, I was posting about putting what mattered first. Sleep was going to be my baseline, I was going to shape my schedule in order to get the important stuff done around the stuff that I couldn’t avoid. That night, I was …

What Matters

Happy Sunday, Everyone! It might be that you’ve been noticing a trend here on the blog around when these Sunday posts have been going up. Well, there’s a reason for that. It used to be that, every Sunday, I’d get up, do the breakfast thing, then sit down to type up the blog post. And …

Staying Organized

Happy Sunday Everyone! Now there may be those of you out there that are questioning the wisdom of posting about staying organized on a day where this post is going live a solid five hours later than (and this is an average) usual. This is actually the perfect time to post something like this, because …

Circling the Wagons

One of the unexpected benefits to keeping a – more or less – weekly blog is that, if you go looking, you can spot trends and patterns in life, the universe, and everything. Looking back over the past few weeks, every Sunday post I’ve tagged with “Challenges” and “Life,” and I hadn’t noticed that until this …