Make Some Noise

Happy Sunday Everyone. If you’re like me, you’ve spent part of the morning, mourning the loss of an ENTIRE HOUR of weekend. I am so not a fan of daylight savings time. Even in the fall where we get that hour of weekend back. Just stop playing with time. Well now that I’ve gotten that …

Five-Thing Thursday: March 9th.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Sometimes, the hardest thing to do is sit quietly and look within. It’s always worth the effort. Thing #2: Completely unrelated to anything that may or may not have happened recently, I have come to the conclusion …

Something New

I tried something new today! I did, that’s why this post went live later than usual (You all buy that, right?). For those of you who are interested, it was a new breakfast recipe that allowed me to use the muffin-baking sheet that I got for x-mas. I won’t get into the details, suffice it …

He Said, She Said, They Said.

“The only constant is change,” they said. “The Wheel keeps turning,” she said. “The more things change,” he said, “the more they stay the same.” There was a time when, if you’d asked for advice about writing dialogue, most folk would tell you to strictly, only, use “Said” and “Asked” as dialogue tags. The prevailing …

Five-Thing Thursday: February 9th.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Nothing teaches patience like being stuck behind not one but two houses on trailers, on a 2 lane blacktop highway. Thing #2: I’ve got a short story in an Anthology called “Grease Monkeys” You can find …

Good Enough

There are times when it might not look like it, but I am all about being organized. I love me a good list. Everything has a place, and that’s where it goes, without fail. I like to find a way to do a certain task and when I’ve got something workable, that’s how I do …

Five-Thing Thursday: February 2nd.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: You never know until you try. Thing #2: Hydrate Thing #3: Even a single step forward is progress. Thing #4: What’s playing on the Mental Jukebox today: Panama by Van Halen Thing #5: Riced Cauliflower. I know what …