Show the World

Lukewarm is no good. If there’s something out there that you’re really into, let that flag fly. Don’t rein yourself in. Not only are you stifling yourself, you may be missing out on the chance to meet other people who are into the same thing. Talk about it. Write about it. Share it with the …

The Long Game

Happy Sunday (Or whichever day you happen to be reading this) everyone. Here we are kicking off the second week of 2022. I fully confess that it’s been a slow start. Maybe it’s been that way for you as well. Maybe you haven’t gotten right on those projects that you said you’d get to at …

Looking Forward: 2022

2021 was a bit of a year, wasn’t it? For me, it was a rebuilding year. Part of that rebuilding was tearing down – not quite literally. There were some health issues which put me off my feet for a few months and had me reacting to life up until, say the final quarter of …

Looking back: 2021

The first draft of this post was massive. Now if you’ve ever seen the early drafts of my work – “Short” stories included – this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but I’d raised the bar even for me. I found myself talking about *Everything* including deeply personal stuff, better set down in a personal journal- …

One Percent

From the title of this post, I can tell that there are some of you who are going to reel back in surprise saying, “That sounds suspiciously like math is going to happen. Who are you, and what have you done with Ken??” Trust me, nothing’s happened – and there won’t be any math involved. …