Five Thing Thursday: April 9th.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: If anything is going to save my productivity during this time of self-isolation, it will be…Lists. Thing #2: For me – handwritten lists are more effective than electronic ones. I have no concrete reason …

Five Things You can Do – Part 2

Last week, I started a series of posts – in the spirit of my Five Thing Thursday series about Five things you can do while you’re Self-Isolating. (Note: Self-isolating, social distancing, and washing your hands are all givens here. As is taking care of yourself and being an extra good human being.) Quite unexpectedly, things …

One Moment Please…

Well it sure has been a week, hasn’t it? I hope you’re all safe and well on your way to adjusting to the new normal. There’s been quite a bit of shake-up around the world lately and it’s had an effect on all our lives. Myself, I’m working remotely until the turn of the month …

Hang in There

I don’t know about you, but coming into this weekend kinda felt like we were on the cusp of “Something” happening. It seemed like we were all collectively bracing for some kind of impact. Now I haven’t been living under a rock, I know all about what’s going on in the wider world, but the …

It’s all Connected

I’ve been sick. So much so, that I’ve been off the day-job for the majority of the week. I’m feeling better, but I’d like to take a look at this past week and maybe dispel a myth or two. If you’re like me, you’re juggling other stuff in addition to writing. There’s the day-job, family, …