Picking up the Pace

December isn’t quite like other months, is it? It feels like there is a whole bunch of “Hurry up” going on, especially after Thanksgiving. It seems like I’ve only just made the last cold turkey sandwich and scarfed down the last of the mashed potatoes and here it is, almost halfway through December. Adding to …

Post Thanksgiving Reflections

As I was composing this years Five-Thanks Thursday I noticed that it was practically identical to the Five-Thing list I’d posted the year before. I suppose that shouldn’t have surprised me. It was, after all, a list of the five things that I’m most thankful for and, while 2023 has had it’s moments, none of …

Five-Thanks Thursday: November 23rd.

Welcome to the Thanksgiving Installment of Five-Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I am Thankful for: Thing #1: My Health and the Health of that of my Family. There were potentialities earlier in the year and they passed without much incident. Thing #2: My Friends. After a really long dry spell, I’ve started reconnecting with …

The Ritual of Life

One of the many things that I enjoy about Fountain Pens is refilling them. I enjoy refilling them because I can recognize that I’m not just loading ink into a pen – which I most assuredly am. More importantly, I’m loading that pen with Potential. I could write anything with that ink. Go anywhere. But …

Chasing the Sunset

I don’t think it’ll come as a surprise to any of you reading this that I’m not the biggest fan of Daylight Saving Time. Primarily due to the whole messing with your sleep thing. You have about half a year to get used to the pattern after the last change, only to go back again. …