What am I Doing with My Time?

As is so often the case, a single thought will kick off an entire blog post. I asked myself the above question some few days ago just before shutting down Twitter. Not quite in disgust, but distaste. I was just scrolling, doing nothing and generally feeling more and more “Eww” as I went along. That …

Five-Thing Thursday: June 9th.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: Do your best. Keep in mind that your “Best” is a moving target because you’re human. You’re also wonderful, so cut yourself some slack. Thing #2: Let me say that again: You’re Wonderful. Thing …

That’s the Beauty of It

I confess to feeling a little bit burned out lately and when this reminder came out of the blue, it really struck home, so I decided to share it here. Each day is an empty page. Just for you. How does that with burnout, you might ask? The realization that you don’t have to keep …

Five-Thing Thursday: June 2nd.

Welcome, everyone to another Installment of Five Thing Thursday! Here are Five Things that I want you to know: Thing #1: While I enjoy Holidays that give me the day off work, I often find myself “Missing” a day. Particularly when that holiday falls on a Monday. Typically, this means that I’m pleasantly surprised to …

Short and Sweet

Happy Sunday (or whenever you’re reading this) Friends. This week’s post needs to be a short one. Not because I’m under any kind of Time constraint, though. It’s just that there’s a beautiful day outside my window and I need to step away from the world for a while and, go out into it. So …


Pruning: The practice entails the targeted removal of diseased, damaged, dead, non-productive, structurally unsound, or otherwise unwanted plant material from crop and landscape plants. There are two primary times of the year where I turn an introspective eye on my life. I acknowledge that I should probably do this more often than twice a year, but those two times are the turn of …

Putting It Out There

“Today is going to be a good day.” I said this out loud the other day. I was in my car, so I was still alone, but I felt a little silly saying it out loud just the same. Why silly, you may ask? I’m still trying to unpack that, but I think that it’s …