The Next Step

Welcome to the second installment of my November career planning series. Last week, I finalized my mission statement, which is: I want to be able to maintain, or improve my current lifestyle through telling stories. I also talked about one of the steps I need to take to get there: Write regularly. Again, this doesn’t …

Plans Within Plans

I need a plan. I suspect that you probably need one too. For the longest time, I’d been so focused on writing stories that – to my embarrassment – I’d neglected to do any long-term thinking about what comes next. To date, the majority of my goals concerning my authorial career can be summed up …

Five Thing Thursday: October 31st.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Considering the date, I thought it appropriate to point you toward a book written by Mallory O’Meara titled “The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick.” You …

Getting Myself Off my Back

This is going to be a short one today. I’m just coming off the emotional roller-coaster of Wales beating France to move forward into the 2019 World Cup Semi-Finals – BY ONE POINT!!! And they only did manage to take the lead within the final six or so minutes of the match. That was a …