A View from the Breakfast Table

Happy Sunday Everyone. As you’re reading this, I am beginning the penultimate day at Balticon. Next week, I’ll post a complete recap of the weekend. In the mean time, please enjoy a view from my breakfast table this morning. See you on Thursday! ### Be sure to stop by the Freebies page for story Excerpts. …

A Cast of Characters

Earlier this week – or was it two weeks ago, I can’t remember – I finished a comprehensive read-through/edit of my current project (Working title: JADE MOON WANING). Part of this read through… Ok, full disclosure here: It should have been part of the read through. I actually thought of this after the fact, and …

Changing Your Mind

Two weekends ago, I was at Penguicon. I was only available for Saturday, but I had a great time. One part of the programming I was on was something called “Office Hours.” This is kind of what you’d think it was. Two or three authors would hang out in the con bookstore, in surprisingly comfortable …


Hi Everyone! Today I’m happy to be hosting one of the stops on David Niall Wilson’s Dechance Chronicles Omnibus, and A Midnight Dreary Blog tour! David was kind enough to stop by and answer a few questions for me. Be sure to stay for the end credits, to get in on an awesome giveaway! Take …

Five Thing Thursday: May 2nd.

Welcome, everyone to another installment of Five Thing Thursday and… Here are Five Things I want you to Know: Thing #1: Penguicon is this weekend!!! I’ll be there on Saturday, May 4th, pretty much all day. I’m scheduled for a reading and “Office Hours” where you can come up and chat about writing, the weather, …

What’s in a Name?

What goes into naming characters? Names have power. They form a direct link to a person. Character names can do double duty by conveying a sense, or a feeling about the character. Choosing names for your characters is important, not the least of which is that you’re going to encounter them on nearly every page …