In Like A Lion

March: In like a Lion, out like a lamb I’m sure you’ve heard that saying before. Funnily enough, this and “April showers, bring May flowers” are the only two sayings around the months that I can remember with any kind of ease. I say funny, because you’d think that if we’d come up with two, …

(Re)Focused Work

I’ve often said that this blog is as much for me as it is for you. And there are times when I need to give myself reminders of things I’ve already said. That’s what this post is about. I sat down to draft this post – under the title: “Focused Work.” It was going to …

Worth the Cost

It’s called Activation Energy. This is the energy it costs to start a reaction. Looking at it from a wider perspective, it’s the energy you spend to get anything going. Unsurprisingly, this cost isn’t static. One day, an activity might take a small amount of energy to get going. Another day, it might take much …

Stepping Back to See Forward

At the beginning of the year, I made a change to the daily “To-Do” list. I started dividing it into two sections which I called: “Important and Urgent” and “Important but not Urgent.” This change has had some benefits, which I’d hoped for. It keeps me on track better than simply brain dumping onto the …

A Taste of Sun

Sidebar: This is not a post about Kate Elliott’s wonderful Sun Chronicles series, though you should definitely put it in your eyes or ears – you won’t be disappointed. Yesterday was the first day in just over two weeks or so that I actually saw the Sun. Here in my neck of the woods, we’d …

Pre-Game Jitters

The title of today’s post is a little bit of a misnomer, as it’s going live on Sunday which would, in fact, be the last day of ConFusion 2024 and I’m drafting this post on Friday afternoon, some few hour before any actual programming begins. I’m doing this for two reasons: The First, is because …

Rigidity and Fluidity

Here we are: One week in to 2024. I hope it’s been a good one for you. Like many of you, I got up on that first day with a plan (more or less). I intended to start exploring, and making progress on the things I’d talked about Last Week. I was going to get …

Looking Ahead

Welcome to the final post of 2023. For the past week, I’ve been reflecting on 2023 and looking ahead to 2024. Like most years, 2023 had its share of ups and downs but, on the whole, there were more ups than downs. While I can’t say I’m done looking forward yet, I have got the …